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tirsdag 8. februar 2011

Du har rett til opphold i 3 mnd. som jobbsøker - videre rettigheter som arbeidstaker

Du har rett til opphold i inntil 3 mnd. mens du søker på jobb og finner en plass å bo.

of 29 April 2004


(9) Union citizens should have the right of residence in the
host Member State for a period not exceeding three
months without being subject to any conditions or any
formalities other than the requirement to hold a valid
identity card or passport...

Den samme retten gjelder for familien din uavhengig av nasjonalitet.
Du/dere har ikke krav på økonomisk støtte i denne perioden.

10) Persons exercising their right of residence should not,
however, become an unreasonable burden on the social
assistance system of the host Member State during an
initial period of residence.

Det stilles også krav ved videre opphold etter EØS-reglene at du/dere ikke blir en urimelig byrde for staten, altså kan dere ikke motta sosialhjelp i lange tider.
Dere kan likevel ikke utvises dersom dere i en periode skulle trenge økonomisk støtte.

(16) As long as the beneficiaries of the right of residence do
not become an unreasonable burden on the social assistance
system of the host Member State they should not
be expelled. Therefore, an expulsion measure should not
be the automatic consequence of recourse to the social
assistance system. The host Member State should
examine whether it is a case of temporary difficulties
and take into account the duration of residence, the
personal circumstances and the amount of aid granted in
order to consider whether the beneficiary has become an
unreasonable burden on its social assistance system and
to proceed to his expulsion. In no case should an expulsion
measure be adopted against workers, self-employed
persons or job-seekers as defined by the Court of Justice
save on grounds of public policy or public security.

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